Harry Reid, Gardener Extraordinaire

Springtime is upon us! It’s almost time to get out there in the yard and start to cultivate and grow stuff. WooHoo! I love this time of year. I love the smell of cut grass and damp dirt.One thing I’ve always found a little funny is the types of food plants like. Who would have thought that if you put crap on plants it grows better. Who thought of that?! That first time was a little risky if you ask me.

Unfortunately, the way you get a good crop from plants is the exact opposite way that you get a good crop of people. We’ve all heard the proverb, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”
If people are surrounded crap they stink. And all us normal people don’t want to be around them. And when they get all their ideas from crap, their ideas are crap. And when there ideas are crap, we normal people want nothing to do with them.

Harry Reid, you and your ilk are CRAP!

Harry flanked by evil bastards Chuck Schumer and Chris Dodd

You have surrounded yourself by evil people. You believe their crap and now want to make us eat their crap. The bad news for you, Harry, is that we’re people, not plants. But I do concede that you would be one hell of a gardener, what with your talent for finding the rottenest, stinkiest crap in the world. Too bad you picked politician/evil bastard as your career choice.

I really try to reserve judgment on people most of the time, especially if we disagree politically but have similar religious beliefs. That’s a sensitive area. But this week after reading comments -by comments, I really mean self-proclaimed delusions- by Harry about the passage of the Heath care abomination. I had to wonder how two people who agree on the majority of religious issues can be so at odds with governmental issues. The conclusion I came to is that… I have no idea. I cannot understand how Harry can reconcile his morality with the immorality of this legislation, not to mention the horrific corruption of the process.

The bottom line is that I can no longer give Harry a ‘pass’ that we just disagree on some issues. I think Harry is a bad dude. Look who he is surrounded by. Socialists. Liars. Criminals! They would be in jail if they had to abide by the laws they set. Look at the fruits of his works. Look at the means to his ends. Crap. Crap. And crap.

Harry, you are an evil bastard. I’ll let Ted Kennedy know to save you a seat in case he hasn’t already.



I was pretty upset a few months ago when the House passed the Cap and Trade bill. And then on Saturday night the House snuck through their Health Care bribery package. (I love their Saturday ram throughs) My knee-jerk reaction was to be upset about that, too. Anything that I view as a rights infringement, a government power grab, or a step toward socialism usually makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth.

I realized that my decisions were based on my gut reaction. Because of this I have developed a completely objective hierarchical system to determine what my reaction/feelings about issues should be. You just simply progress down the list until the reasonable answer becomes apparent.

Let me demonstrate: Health Care bill (aka thinly disguised socialism and bribery)


That’s right. What would Jack do. I’m pretty sure Jack Bauer would take members of Congress hostage and waterboard them until they confessed that they were, in fact, evil bastards who had ulterior motives about the passage of this bill. Since that’s not really an option for me, I’ll move on…


What would Wolverine do? Hmmmm. I’m really not sure what he would do in this situation. But whatever it is, I’m sure it would be awesome.


What would France do? Well, we know what they did. They have socialized medicine. It sucks. France sucks. They have contributed nothing to society, unless you count the several times they “donate” their country to maniacal dictators. Any non-Frenchie know that in every instance we want to do the exact opposite of whatever France does.

That solves it. If France is for socialized Health Care, I’m against it. See. Completely logical. I don’t know why more people can’t understand things that are so simple.

Moral Hazzards

Whose side are you one? Founding Fathers or Marx/Stalin/Hitler/etc?


I’m so sick of hearing all about how evil capitalism is! How many wars has capitalism started? How many people does capitalism oppress? How about governments? Hmmm…?

Most of the problems we are facing today have less to do with capitalism and more to do with government meddling and manipulation. But the government, true to form, will always place the blame elsewhere.

Capitalism (true capitalism, not this govt-regulated-to-death capitalism) is the most just and fair system this world has ever seen. A capitalist system benefits the productive and industrious. A non-capitalist system coddles the useless and lazy. The argument against capitalism is always that self-interest is bad. Opponents of capitalism are wrong in their reasoning. A critical factor is left out of their equation: self interest, for most people, includes morals (this is why morals/religion in a free/capitalist society is critical).

Here’s something to think about:

There are those who say that we need government involvement to ensure fairness and morality. Saying that politicians will prevent corruption and increase competition is the biggest paradox I’ve ever heard. The trap is that men make mistakes. Men in government are not immune to corruption and mistakes. HA! I would even say there’s a 100% probability of politicians making worse and dire mistakes than a businessman whose livelihood depends on being fair and competitive.

Even if there is immorality and corruption in business, the beauty of true capitalism is that those businesses will fail once their deeds are exposed. If government controls industry, you can no longer choose to not participate. They cannot go “bankrupt” or “out of business.” They don’t have to be competitive or make a profit. You can’t sue them. They can’t go to jail.

Seriously, think about the consequences. The government always screws things up worse than they say they will.

Bible Bashing

I was a missionary in Chile for 2 years from ’97 – ’99. I went because I truly believe that the religion I belong to is true and I wanted to share the ‘good news’ with others. I learned a lot of things about life and looking back, I can see how my experiences there have shaped almost every aspect of my life and life views.

As a missionary, it was our objective to invite people to learn about what we believe and what makes our religion different. There are so many different people in this world and so many different religions. South America is predominately Christian, so most everyone already had a belief in Jesus Christ. Almost everyone I talked to believed in the Bible, as we do. Their belief in the Bible made it easier to teach those willing to listen and learn about us because we could teach them right out of their own scriptures about the gospel.


One thing I never did was Bible bash. I don’t think it works. You can fight all day with the Bible and even if you do end up proving your point, you will never make a friend or ally of someone you’ve had contentions with over scripture. It’s a classic lose-lose situation. It was my experience that those not willing to listen just will not listen, no matter what you are offering. And that’s OK. I believe in choice and I respect that. I’m sure I have been in the past and will be in the future stubborn on certain issues.

I want to relate this to politics. There are many things about our current situation that I feel strongly about. Now, I can’t say with as much certainty that my perspective in regard to politics and current affairs is as rock-solid as my faith in my religion. But, I can say that with both my faith and my positions on government, I seek only the truth. I am not vested in any party or movement. If I discover that I am wrong, I change my views. I have done this many times. I don’t think I would get along very well with myself from even 5 years ago. I have gone through many changes and much discovery over the last few years.

I am willing to listen to opposing points of view. I welcome honest political discussion. I think debates are useful. But I will not fight with you. I don’t like to do it and I think it is unproductive.

If you are intellectually honest and your motivations are pure, we can talk… even if we disagree. At the end of the day, we may even agree to disagree. That’s OK. If you or I bring up a point and the other disagrees, let’s talk about it and find out what the truth is together. This is where hopefully honest discussion prevails.

But if you cannot defend or uphold your views in the face of honest questioning, wouldn’t I be dishonest not to question your motivations? If you share the positions of known evil men or theories that have been factually disproven, who wouldn’t be skeptical and wonder why? If you attack me personally or belittle or diminish, I must dismiss you as fundamentally dishonest (at least on the issue at hand) and am forced to conclude you are willing to sacrifice truth in order to “win”.

A personal attack in order to avoid facts and logic is intellectually dishonest. A debate like this can never have a purposeful conclusion and anyone who engages in these Alinsky techniques that have become so popular and accepted, as far as I’m concerned, does not have a solid footing in their side of the issue. The only question at that point is whether they are ignorant, misguided or worst of all, invested in the outcome of a lie.

Ever Seen A Crack Addict?


I am not naive.

I have never smoked. I have never done drugs. I have never had a drink of alcohol. I have never been in a brawl. I was pretty much a good kid growing up. I went to church every Sunday. Now, reading this, you would probably assume I was sheltered and inexperienced, right?

Continue reading

Control The Media : CHECK

OK. We’ve now moved on past ‘If you don’t see what’s going on here, I seriously question your judgment’ to ‘If you don’t see what’s going on here YOU’RE A FREAKING MORON’. These are SERIOUSLY bad people trying to destroy our country. Wake up! How can you ever justify being on their side? At this point, even if they had a dude who looked like this you’d explain it all away and accuse anyone who raised an eyebrow at you as part of a “vast right-wing conspiracy:


This just in: White House Communications Director Anita Dunn  admits that government is attempting to control the media. Oops.

This just in: White House accuses Fox of being not being a news network and being propagandist.  ??????

This just in: MSNBC falls in line with government and accuses Fox of being an arm of the Republicans (who ever saw that coming!?)

Well, I guess the good news is that if Fox isn’t news, they’re the only one not being controlled by the government at this point. Go Fox!

On a completely unrelated note, Anita Dunn also admits that her favorite political “philosopher” is Mao (ps- look up any dictator. All communist/fascist nut-jobs fancy themselves philosophers… I picked a heck of a blog name! CRAP ;)), by most estimates the most prolific murderer of all time.

On another completely unrelated note, after she was exposed as a Mao lover, the White House issued a statement that sadly, Anita is planning on leaving to pursue other interests by the end of the year – a conspicuous preemptive on the  demise of all Obama commie associates.


I’m tired of all the corruption I see in politics and business.

Chicago-style (and now Washington-style) politics

Chicago-style (and now Washington-style) politics

Imagine you had committed a crime and were going to go to jail for breaking the law. Now imagine that you had a friend that could keep you out of jail because of his connections. Would you allow your crime to be covered up?

Let’s say you do. Good for you. You outsmarted the system. This kind of thing happens every day. What’s it gonna hurt if you participate a little teeny tiny bit. Not gonna hurt anyone, right?

Aside from the fact you’re trying to defeat the Law of Justice, which is impossible due to its eternal nature, you are now in someone’s debt without even knowing what the price is.

A recent example is our own wonderful-human-being David Letterman. To be clear, he didn’t (as far as we know) break the law, just the rules. His acts and their concealment left him susceptible to extortion.

Extortion leads to corruption.

We hear of people in the media, politics and Hollywood every day who are “outed” because they fell out of favor. If you think that the ones we hear about are representative of the actual amount of criminal/dishonest behavior, you’re delusional. An understanding of statistics tells us that. When you see one cockroach there’s 100 more you don’t see.

And with all the “favors” and “compromises” that happen in our society, particularly in our political circles, I imagine that the corruptions is rampant and disgusting. How do these people sleep at night unless they’re all atheists?

Another example of extortion:


Entitlement issues and lack of discipline leave us open to extortion from our corrupt government who uses our weaknesses to amass power and control of us. If we stop playing the game, they will cut us off. Inability to fail is unhealthy to a free society.

Absence of morality is the root problem in our society and only its elimination will put us back on track. Until we fix that, it doesn’t matter what ‘solutions we present. They won’t fix the problem. This is why we cannot continue doing the same things over and over, electing the same types of people over and over. They are corrupt and devoid of ethics.

Pick a side.

The Oath

It’s a wonder we even take seriously anything that comes out of our elected officials’ mouths with all the lies and deceit that permeate their speech. Regardless, I wanted to make aware of certain oaths that are taken – oaths that used to mean something:

Presidential Oath of Office:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

If we had anyone with some guts in our government, an irrefutable case could be made that our Constitution is being trampled and circumvented. Obama has stated he believes the Constitution is flawed because it is a document of ‘negative liberties’. He has stated and continues to believe as proved by his actions that we should be governed by a system of ‘positive liberties’. Positive liberties means the government does things for you. To accomplish this, we must relinquish freedom. To give something to one necessitates the taking from another. How is this freedom or liberty? It is not. It is servitude.

And “redistributive change”? That’s not even code for socialism. That IS socialism!

How about this oath taken by the armed forces of the US:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same:…”

We’ve been heading down the road of socialism for the last 100 years. The enemy is within the gates. Their means are many but their motivation united: control and power.

Pick a side.

Scumbags of the day

John Edwards cheated on his dying wife. Now (act surprised) he’s been caught again! C’mon, does anyone really believe it was a one-time thing? Yeah, right! When you see one cockroach, there’s 100 more you don’t see. Best of all, his wife is threatening to spill the beans on all the shady political secrets he has. Awesome. Looking forward to it…

David Letterman is an ass. He looks down his nose at all of us and criticizes everyone with traditional values from his glorified soap box. We all know he is a tyrant to work for. We all knew he was a dirty old man perv. But I never (yeah, right) would have guessed that he was also a cheater and a hypocrite.

Mark Ensign, disgraced Republican Senator from Nevada (I’d still take this scumbag over Reid) was caught laundering your tax dollars. It wasn’t enough just to get caught cheating on his wife. He had to give sweet deals to his mistress and her husband. Surprise! A crooked politician. They are almost all crooked and therefore almost all of them are vulnerable to being extorted and controlled. This is why we are losing control of our country.

Mark Sanford, Republican governor who decided it was no big deal to just leave the country and visit his mistress in Argentina. I’m sure we can all relate, right? Well, this once hope-of-the-party loser nut job has apparently decided that he doesn’t have to keep up the descent guy anymore. He’s full-on refusing to face the music as more and more allegations of impropriety are raised.

Whoopi Goldberg, I don’t know what “rape-rape” is, but you are a evil bastard for even suggesting that Polanski didn’t do anything wrong. Where do you people come from? Is this a giant ‘Punked’ or something? Wow. I just don’t know what else to say about this….

Robert Gibbs, Obama’s chief liar… uh, I mean, Press Secretary. I can hardly stand to look at this guy. He’s such a bad liar. You’d think they’d at least pick someone who could lie with a straight face.

Jimmy Carter, once again you make one of my lists. You deny what you said a few weeks ago when you called me and everyone else who opposes Obama for any legitimate reasons a racist. NEWSFLASH: we have video cameras and no matter what you say, it doesn’t make it so. PS – you could probably get away with playing the crazy-old-man card. Serenity Now!

Yet another one…

Soul of the Obama administration

Soul of the Obama administration

WTH! Is the Obama administration an ‘evil bastard’ bottomless pit?

This is a story about a sick, twisted, disgusting, repulsive human being.

He glamorizes drug use.

He is a supporter of homosexual pedophiles and a sympathizer to the destructive gay culture.

He has open contempt for religion.

But have no fear, he’s only Kevin Jennings, our new “Safe school Czar”.

He has never apologized for enabling and condoning a homosexual adult male raping a school boy. His excuse is that he didn’t have training in the situation.

I’m sorry, but you don’t need training in ‘not being an evil bastard’. You’re born with that ‘training’ and you have it until you discard it and decide to become a horrible person.

How is it that all who surround Obama are repulsive people?

And they wonder why we are skeptical of anything they tell us, especially in the school system.

Wake up, pick a side!