“Mainstream” Media

I quit watching the news on TV(except for CNBC, which I grudgingly watch at work for info on the markets). I feel like I’m saving so much time and actually getting information that’s not slanted. I now get all my news from the internet. It’s more efficient and less fluffy. I have maybe around 15 websites that I check daily and can get both sides of an issue. I can think about it and decide for myself what I believe. I have become very disenchanted with the media the last few years and it’s come to a head the last few months as I become more and more aware of issues that the “mainstream” media is mysteriously silent about.

Here are the most recent and most blatant the last month:

Complete misrepresentation of the 9/12 march

Van Jones & crew of Constitution-hating czars & Marxist-thinking Obama advisors

“Breaking News” twice-a-day w/ the same canned Obama health care propaganda, just in a different city

Since when do we continue to place our trust in anyone who over and over demonstrates they are biased and act only in their self-interest?

And isn’t a state-run media a staple of socialism? That’s exactly what we have here, folks…. unless you ask Obama, who has as an advisor Jeff Immelt, who runs GE (which coincidentally greatly benefits from the bailout and health care reform), which owns NBC, which in in league with the devil.

Follow that? Socialism = Satan -> NBC -> GE -> Jeff Immelt -> Obama

From now on, the “mainstream media” is my contrary indicator. Pretty much, if they’re reporting it, it’s not worth my time (and most likely I am already aware of it). If they make a big deal of it, I need to ask myself  ‘why?’ and look into their motivations. And if they ignore of downplay a story, I should perk up and really start digging into it, because they’re hiding something.

Media, you are a disgrace and I would dare say un-American.