Stupid people are so…. stupid

I See Stupid People

I thought I would get something out of the way right from the get-go. Stupid people get on my nerves. But, they provide so much material that I’m sure I’ll be revisiting this theme often.

Stupid person of the day: Jimmy Carter, Israel-hating hypocrite

Jimmy Carter – our nations worst ex-president. Somehow people overlooked your single-handed near-destruction of our nation’s economy as President. Somehow people just ignored you when you visited and propagandized for Castro and your precious Communist Cuba. Somehow we all just passed you off as a crazy old man while you were chumming around with Michael Moore. But this time you’ve gone too far! We’re not racists! When are you gonna get it through your thick intolerant skull that we conservatives hate everyone… equally (at least that’s what the media tells us). That precludes any racism ;).

Oh, BTW, I don’t oppose Obama because he’s black. I oppose him because of his crazy socialist ideas that he and all his friends believe in.

Put away your tattered race card unless you want to point out real racism, like when Kayne West figured out that Bush caused Katrina to kill all the black people in New Orleans.