

Dear D.C. sniper-

You been bad. You got some splainin’ to do!

We are all here on this earthly journey to prove ourselves and live good, productive lives according to our conscience and respectful of the rights bestowed by Almighty God. I’m sorry you used your agency for evil. You snuffed out the lives of many. You are a terrorist. You deprived many of their right to choose. You ruined many lives. You are an evil person. You were put to death this evening. Justice will not be fully served until some time in the future when God’s infinite power makes things right. I don’t understand it, but I have faith it will be so. Until then, this is the best form of justice we can serve.

When I take a position on an issue I usually try to envision myself on both sides of an issue. Then I decide what I would be willing to endure from both perspectives. My stance on the death penalty solidified when Mark Hacking killed his wife. I decided that if I were in his shoes, I would seek the death penalty for myself. I believe my execution would be the closest form of repentance/restitution… to give my own blood for the blood taken. Life, according to my understanding, has no purpose once you’ve committed a crime as heinous as intentional murder. There’s no reason to prolong a judgment that’s already been made.

I support the death penalty for cold-blooded murderers. I believe it’s the best option for society and the individual both here in this life and in the next. I believe that murderers receive an automatic “F” in this earthly test. There is no second chance for someone who is so dark they would violate the most precious rule we have: the rule of life. They cannot repent and make restitution in this life for something so grievous. They will have to pay for what they did on the other side.

PS- Say ‘Hi’ to Teddy for us and tell him that they’re still trying to pass his health-care abomination. Ask him if it was worth it…..


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